On July 29th, C&EN magazine published the Global Top 50 in 2018.
According to the 2018 sales statistics, Wanhua chemical entered the list for the second time with RMB 60.6 billion ($9.2 billion), ranking the 37th place, with sales increasing 14.11% compared with 2017.
For the global chemical industry, 2018 was another strong year, according to C&EN’s annual survey of the Global Top 50 chemical companies. Sales rose healthily for the group during 2018, the fiscal year on which the survey is based. Chemical companies in the top 50 combined for $926.8 billion in chemical revenue, an increase of 13.4% from the same companies’ sales the year before.
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Wanhua Chemical Makes The 2018 C&EN's Global Top 50 List
TIME :2019-07-30
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