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Utech Asia/PU CHINA 2024 | Wanhua Chemical: Innovating a Sustainable Future

TIME :2024-07-17

On July 17th, Wanhua Chemical attends Utech Asia/PU CHINA 2024 in Shanghai! We bring our comprehensive PU material solutions in three thematic zones: "Future Industry," "Future Mobility," and "Future Living Space."


Future Industry:

Here, Wanhua Chemical's innovative technology in the engineering industry sector is showcased, but the entire process, from energy harvesting to efficient conversion, is also demonstrated. We are committed to promoting the application of high-efficiency clean energy and fostering the sustainable development of the industrialization process. Through a circular and sustainable development strategy, we aim to build a better life with green energy.

Future Mobility:

Electric vehicles and modern solutions for road systems are on display here. In terms of lightweight and iterative upgrading, we not only promote the development of new energy vehicles but also provide support for the long-term durability of road systems.

Future Living Space:

Low-carbon innovative building materials as well as upholstered furniture are showcased here. Our polyurethane materials are integrated into sleeping pillows and mattresses to achieve pressure balance and high-quality sleep by virtue of their slow rebound and compression-resistant properties.


Looking forward, the company remains committed to driving innovation and sustainability in the polyurethane industry and wishes to continue collaboration with partners and stakeholders worldwide.

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