• Industrial Innovation

    Resource recycling: To derive the maximum value from products, we fully utilize resources and reduce waste. Products and materials are recycled and regenerated at the end of their service life, and the utilization of products and resources are optimized throughout the value chain. For example, we are developing biodegradable and bio-based products, as well as recycling and re-processing plastics, as alternatives to a certain amount of fossil resources.

    Green chemical processes: In line with our environmental protection principles for raw materials, processes, and products, we avoid and reduce the use of substances that are toxic and hazardous to human health and the ecological environment in the design, manufacturing, and application of chemical products. Our innovative processes improve atom economy, and reduce the production of solid, gaseous, and liquid waste, and other hazardous substances.

    Environmentally friendly material solutions: Based on the structural performance of materials and customer needs, we develop, substitute, and upgrade materials. During material production, processing, and utilization processes, we adopt environmentally friendly solutions, in accordance with our mission statement of “Advancing chemistry, transforming lives.” Some examples include lightweight vehicles, aldehyde-free synthetic wood-based panels, waterborne coatings, and degradable plastics.

  • Environmental Protection

    Pollutant emissions: Pollutant discharge is the main cause of adverse environmental impacts and wastage in resources and energy. Therefore, reducing pollutant emissions is crucial for sustainable development. We implement pollution prevention and control strategies on an ongoing basis, reinforcing the "Three Rs" and prioritizing the reduction of pollutants at the source. To continually reduce pollutants, we ensure that the design and operation of our pollution control facilities are of high standards.

    Noise pollution: Noise will affect the health of employees in the workplace and the surrounding environment. As such, we have a long-term commitment to create working environments that are "free of equipment noise” by taking a three-pronged approach to reduce noise pollution: reducing source sounds, controlling the transmission path, and protection at the receiving end.

    Soil pollution: In view of the concealed nature, long-term impact, and complexity of soil pollution, this has been a top priority for us in our environmental protection effort. Our management process for our land plots span the entire life cycle of each project, including pre- and post-assessments. This enables us to comprehensively assess, manage, and control soil pollution risks, in order to minimize them.

    Biodiversity: Biodiversity is the basis for the survival and development of human society, and one of the important goals of sustainable development. We attach great importance to the protection of biodiversity, conducting thorough research and communications on biodiversity at genetic, species, and ecosystem levels. When selecting project sites, we conduct ecological and environmental biodiversity studies systematically, in order to prevent or reduce the fundamental impact of project construction on biodiversity.

Health and Safety

Chemical safety: We have a management mechanism that spans the life cycle of chemicals, identifying potential risks to humans and the environment in each link, including chemical procurement, usage, production, transportation, storage, sales, and disposal. This allows us to effectively control risks posed by chemicals in all stages by means of measures for oversight.

Safe working environments: We identify, evaluate, and control risks at the work site, reducing behavior and objects that pose hazards, thereby preventing personnel injury, disruptions to operations, and loss of property. The relevant aspects include operational risk assessment and control, work permit management, safety in non-production areas, and travel safety.

Protection of personnel wellbeing: We identify, evaluate, and communicate occupational hazards in the workplace, formulating corresponding control measures to ensure the health of employees, contractors, and other personnel. The relevant measures include the identification and notification of occupational hazards, control of occupational health hazards, monitoring of exposure, monitoring of occupational health, injury management, and health services.

Energy Efficiency

Energy conservation: We implement performance appraisal and energy conservation projects, and complement them with technological transformation and improvement initiatives to establish an effective cycle of cost reduction and efficiency improvements. We seek to maximize the energy utilization rate from the initial stage of project design by optimizing the heat exchange network, securing corresponding infrastructure, selecting high-efficiency equipment, and monitoring operational processes timely and effectively to analyze the causes of any variance.

Carbon footprint: We actively respond to customer needs for information on the carbon emission intensity of our products. Our mid- and long-term emission reduction plans are designed to monitor direct and indirect emissions through the identification of different types of greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide, CO2, methane, CH4, and nitrous oxide, N2O).

Water footprint: By measuring the balance of water usage on site, we improve the utilization of water resources and reduce leakage. We have set out mid- and long-term water reduction plans and actively seeking advanced techniques to improve the conservation of water resources.

  • Sustainable Procurement

    Procurement digitalization: Our operations and decision-making are fully supported by a digital procurement platform. We utilize big data and artificial intelligence technologies to improve procurement efficiency and management standards, shaping a global procurement platform dedicated to customer needs.

    Recycling of raw materials: We are committed to the purchase of recyclable packaging materials, and increasing the proportion of recyclable packaging. We also promote the use of environmentally friendly materials and reductions in resource consumption. By establishing a recycling management mechanism for raw materials, we improve the reuse of raw materials, such as catalysts.

    Supplier management: Working with TfS organizations, we implement sustainability evaluations of suppliers by assessing and managing their corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance, in order to gradually raise their sustainability levels and to reduce the sustainability risks in our procurement supply chain. Additionally, we employ digital means to effectively monitor supplier performance, improving our supplier management standards.

  • Employees and Society

    Rights and interests of employees: On the basis of fairness, impartiality, and openness, we recruit outstanding talent who appreciate our culture, and are willing to grow with the company to achieve mutual success. We constantly offer employees opportunities and guidance, allowing them to improve their abilities and achieve individual value. Furthermore, we strive to offer competitive remuneration and welfare, comfortable work and living environments, and continually improve organizational efficiency.

    Business ethics: We have management mechanisms in place to prevent misconduct and unfair competition. Ongoing efforts are taken to counter commercial bribery and fraud, serving to eliminate internal and external malpractices. Through effective training and communications, we seek to create an environment with healthy business ethics to raise awareness internally and externally, and to ensure that our operations are built on a healthy business management system.

    Information security: We manage information security risks by implementing standardized systems for information security in terms of strategies, organization, technologies, and operations and maintenance.

    Harmonious community: Our annual community awareness programs help increase the awareness and understanding of surrounding communities about us and ensure their right to information. In addition, we have been actively participating in various social and public welfare activities to care for disadvantaged groups and improve their quality of life. As part of our efforts in youth education, we organize the relevant scientific educational fairs to inspire the interest and potential of youth in science.

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