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State Key Laboratory for Polymer Surface Material Preparative Technology

TIME :2020-07-29

Upon the approval by the National Development and Reform Commission, Wanhua Chemical Group Co., Ltd. spearheaded the joint establishment of the State Engineering Laboratory for Polymer Surface Material Preparative Technology with the Institute of Oceanology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fudan University, and the Beijing University of Chemical Technology at the end of December 2016.

In the future, the State Engineering Laboratory will continue to enhance its innovative capacity, to develop into an engineering research center that integrates the development of preparation and engineering technologies for key monomers, special additives, environmentally friendly high-performance resins, as well as R&D in environmentally friendly high-performance polymer surface materials and innovation in their applications and technologies. The Laboratory will facilitate enterprise-oriented close cooperation among industry, academia, and research institutes with a technological innovation alliance, providing world-leading infrastructure and innovative environment.

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