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Wanhua Chemical Attended Korean Polyurethane Society (KPUS) 2023 Summer General Assembly and Research Meeting

TIME :2023-09-18

On 7-8 September, the 2023 Summer General Assembly and Research Meeting of the Korean Polyurethane Society (KPUS) was successfully held in Gyeongju, Korea. Wanhua Chemical was invited to attend this conference while Kyung-Man Kim (Kevin), Sales Manager of Wanhua Korea has shared Wanhua Chemical's commitment to sustainable development and action in green and low-carbon development.


Kevin introduced what Wanhua is doing in green development from the perspectives of " How Chemistry Makes Life Greener" and "How to Make Chemistry Cleaner".


As the climate change became a global challenge, Wanhua is taking proactive measures to tackle this challenge.


One of the approaches is to provide diversified materials for renewable energy sectors, for example, wind power and solar photovoltaic. Thus to meet the rising demand of raw material in these sectors.


On the other hand, Wanhua has developed a series of products to support the booming EV industry, which is vital for carbon reduction.


Also Wanhua is laying various types of biodegradable products, as well as PCR plastics, to promote circular economy.


Meanwhile, Wanhua invested a couple of clean energy projects to significantly increase the share of green energy source.


In the future, we will continue to build a sustainable supply chain and advance green development. Wanhua Chemical is committed to achieving carbon peaking by no later than 2030 and aiming for carbon neutrality by 2048 (scope 1+2). We hope to cooperate with all interested parties for a sustainable future!

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